Recognition of Indigenous Rights and Self Determination (RIRSD Table)
RIRSD Tables are exploratory discussion tables with Canada on the topics of discussion tables with Canada on the topics of jurisdiction (what a First Nation governs, such as health or education) and core governance (how a First Nation governs such as consultation or membership).
Why is Canada at the table?
Canada's approach of developing policy without input of First Nations isn't working. Canada has commited to renewing the relationship with First Nations based on recognition of rights, respect, cooperation and partnership. Canada is co-developing innovative policies and solutions that respond to the rights, interest and needs of First Naitons while respecting federal interests.
Why are First Nations at the table?
RIRSD Tables are an opportunity to have a conversation with Canada about governance issues for the Nation. Sitting at this table gives us a chance to develop a new process together to better advance our rights, culture and way of life.